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Dress right, Look tall!

Dress right, Look tall!

Dress right, Look tall!

Dress right, Look tall!

Go to any part of the world, height is looked up to or admired, given respect maybe more than it actually deserves. Height flatters, it gives a perceived advantage. This is what society at large te...

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Coconut oil – multiple uses, maximum benefit

Coconut oil – multiple uses, maximum benefit

Coconut Oil has been part of Indian tradition since a very long time. Applied to the hair, it is believed to give long tresses, keeps the hair nourished, and provides a smooth shine and lustre that...

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Glossy thicker hair – the natural way
black lustrous tresses

Glossy thicker hair – the natural way

Who would not like good thick hair on the head (unless he or she is tired of it and wants to try out something else)? That glossy mane, those thick black lustrous flowing tresses, that draw envious...

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Sparkling Eyes – for good vision and popularity
avoid wearing lenses continuously

Sparkling Eyes – for good vision and popularity

Why do some people always catch the attention of most around them? Why do people pay much more attention to their faces than that of others? Why are they the focus of interest when they speak? The...

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To the health of your woolen garments!

To the health of your woolen garments!

Winter has been very severe this year. Naturally woollens of all sorts - coats, sweaters, jerseys, shawls and even the warm blankets and other forms of protective covering

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Getting hold of oneself and coming out a winner..
breaking the huge mountain

Getting hold of oneself and coming out a winner..

There is a time in our lives when everything around us is in a mess and we are deep and in the middle of it. Take heart as we are all part of this wonderful thing called life

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Cooling the overheated body in warm climes
avoid over heated body

Cooling the overheated body in warm climes

Have you been overtaken by sudden bouts of sluggishness, increased thirst spells, fatigue that tends to wear you down or constant discomfort that does not allow your body the rest it requires?

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Fennel  – nature’s solution for  indiscreet stomachs
chewing fennel seeds

Fennel – nature’s solution for indiscreet stomachs

Known better to the Indian public as Shaunf or Shompu, a regular in many Indian homes, the discomfort from unrestrained eating of a sumptuous meal is mitigated to tolerable levels in no time at all...

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De-clutter and organize your household. Today!
avoid clutter

De-clutter and organize your household. Today!

Clutter is part of everybody’s lives only varying in extent. It creeps on you so silently that you hardly realize the amount of change that has silently occurred without your being even conscious a...

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Recycling your sarees tastefully
curtains with sarees

Recycling your sarees tastefully

My friend’s wife gave a brilliant suggestion the other day when we had visited them. Practical and implementable, she recycles all her sarees without giving any away and puts them to use in simple ...

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